Notes by Rafael Montezuma on a course on minimal surfaces taught by Fernando Coda Marques

Notes on Geometric Analysis by Simon Donaldson

An Introduction to Geometric Topology by Bruno Martelli (Hyperbolic Geometry)

Notes on Ricci flow by Danny Calegari

``An Invitation to Rigidity Theory" by Ralf Spatzier

``Variations on a Theme of Borel" by Shmuel Weinberger (Geometric Topology)

``Computers, Rigidity, and Moduli" by Shmuel Weinberger

``A Primer on Mapping Class Groups" by Benson Farb and Dan Margalit

``Ratner's Theorems on SL(2,R)-invariant Measures" by Manfred Einseidler

``Geometry, Dynamics, and Rigidity" by Amie Wilkinson

``Asymptotic Counting of Minimal Surfaces in Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds [according to Calegari, Marques and Neves]" by François Labourie (Seminaire Bourbaki)

``The Waist Inequality in Gromov's Work" by Larry Guth

``Metaphors in Systolic Geometry" by Larry Guth